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St. Martin Hotel Guangzhou, 이것 은 우수한 비 즈 니스 모델 로 호텔 은 중 산 팔 로 에 위치 하고 경치 가 수려 한 주 쟝 강변 과 가깝다.남북 교통 요지 에 위치 하고 시 버스 정류장, 천자 사당 의 추락 역, 광저우 기차 역, 상하 구 상업 구 에 인접 하 며 어린이의 류 도매 시장 은 파 주 전시관 에서 30 분 거리 에 있어 교통 이 매우 편리 합 니 다.
이 곳 은 셰 프 룸 레스토랑, 한 일 소 식당, 레저 수 회, SPA 회관, 카페, 비 즈 니스 센터, 다기 능 회의실 등 시설 이 완비 되 어 있 으 며 음식, 숙박, 오락 등 우아 한 장소 와 상업 여행 의 좋 은 장소 입 니 다.
이 는 '중국 호텔 금 마장 - 10 대 비 즈 니스 호텔', '아시 안 게임 미디어 홍보 호텔', '아시아 태평양 지역 음식점' 등 을 수 상 했 습 니 다.간절 한 서비스 와 정성 어린 대접, 그리고 호텔 안의 쾌적 한 환경 에 맞 춰 성 마 르 덴 호텔 을 사 랑 받 게 합 니 다.
[자세한 소개]
호텔 FAQ
  • 이 호텔은 Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport 에서 얼마나 떨어져 있습니까?

    공항에서 St. Martin Hotel Guangzhou 28.9km.

  • St. Martin Hotel Guangzhou 은(는) 공항 셔틀을 운행합니까?

    아니요, 호텔에는 픽업 서비스가 없습니다.

  • St. Martin Hotel Guangzhou 의 체크인 & 체크아웃 시간은 어떻게 되나요?

    체크인 시간은 14:00이후, 체크아웃 시간은 12:00이전.

  • St. Martin Hotel Guangzhou 에 수영장과 체육관 있나요?

    아니요, 호텔에는 수영장이나 체육관이 없습니다. 수영장 및 다른 시설에 대한 상세 내용은 이 페이지에서 확인하시기 바랍니다.

  • St. Martin Hotel Guangzhou 내에 레스토랑이 있나요?

    네, 호텔에서 먹을 수 있습니다.

  • St. Martin Hotel Guangzhou 광대역 또는 Wi-Fi가 있습니까?

    예, 자세한 내용은 호텔 프런트 데스크에 문의하십시오.

  • St. Martin Hotel Guangzhou 선불로 결제 하시겠습니까?

    저희에게 연락하기 전에 주문을 제출하십시오.

  • St. Martin Hotel Guangzhou 신용카드로 결제하실 수 있으며?

    아니요, 호텔은받지 않습니다.

  • St. Martin Hotel Guangzhou 의 숙박 요금은 얼마인가요?

    집값에서 CNY228 위안이, 숙박 날짜나 호텔 정책 등에 따라 숙박 요금이 달라질 수 있습니다.

고객 후기 더
  • samsaraxy
    Convenient transportation, old city, there are a lot of food around. There is a bus stop at the gate, 10 minutes from Metro Line 1 and 15 minutes from Metro Line 5. It's very close to litchi Bay, but it's far away from CBD, so it's not suitable for business and living.
  • Jungle78
    The room is too small and the location is very convenient.
  • lovepeace1999
    Good location, the room is too small, the surrounding food and transportation are convenient
  • andy2618
    Praise, praise, praise, praise, praise, praise, praise, praise, praise
  • liujun828
    Convenient and hygienic, suitable price
  • Jerry666666
    It's clean and tidy, cost-effective and good for friends
  • wangmuen
    Category of Express Hotel
  • btvyy
    not bad The location is also very good
  • justinemma
    There are many restaurants near the hotel, but the rooms on the road are noisy and ordinary.
  • aaronxiaoliu
    Surrounding convenient transportation, hundreds of meters have subway, bus station is downstairs. It's a good breakfast. Security has a special elevator to enter the floor, very safe. Old brand hotel, if you want to cost-effective, recommend.
  • windcodes
    The bed in the hotel is very comfortable
  • ronnie
    The surroundings are good
  • sammie
    The hotel has convenient location, complete facilities and rich breakfast, which is worthy of recommendation
  • Joe_Liu
  • colintam1
    Fang Xiao
  • e02852355
    Convenient transportation and comfortable environment.
  • jingjing1990
    The location of this hotel is still very good. Everything is more convenient. The service attitude of the hotel staff was very good. I like the small refrigerator in the business room very much. But there are so few TV stations. Some have snowflakes. Computers can't even watch videos. I think there is something wrong with the design of the toilet. The water will flow out.
  • m01634499
    As always, I choose here every time I come to Guangzhou
  • fast006
    Breakfast is provided, but I don't feel much. It's rare to come here. I still go out to eat special snacks or morning tea. The room is clean. Generally speaking, it's good
  • brabbit
    The room is a little small
  • FF2227
    that's OK
  • A14 old Wolf
    There are too many white hats
  • Applesun
    OK, but the Internet speed is too slow
  • iceyu
    Not bad, very clean.
  • bigfoot
    Yes, in downtown, the traffic is very convenient!
  • m00001451
    Very good, perfect and convenient
  • AngelaLF
    Located in a prosperous area, the transportation is very convenient, and the reserved room is not spacious enough.
  • moonas123
    Every time Guangzhou lives here, as always!
  • l blue sky can not be
    The hotel is located in the downtown area with convenient shopping and transportation. It is close to the famous scenic spot 'lizhiwan' in Guangzhou. The room is clean and cost-effective.
  • citybus
    There are no windows
  • amyou
    General ventilation
  • maple_2500
    The hotel is good, the surrounding environment is very convenient, the spa room is very good, WiFi speed is very fast! All in all, it's good
  • a66575488
    On behalf of
  • ccalvintan
    Cost effective
  • aixrabbit
    I was worried about the poor environment at the beginning when I lived in a single room this time. I was a little surprised when I went in. I still live here on business in the future. It's also more convenient around.
  • roxwood
    The room is small
  • daili1019
    Good, very good
    The transportation is convenient, the single room is a little small, the breakfast is rich, and the overall price is OK!
  • JessiaWu
    When we arrived at the hotel late, they helped us upgrade our rooms. Overall, the service was pretty good. The service was of a high standard. We will continue to choose recommendations next time
  • eang100
    Facilities available but not available
  • BerylAnna
    Every aspect was very good, but the decoration was a little noisy in the morning
  • cofei
    very good
  • ypw13169
    Hotel location is good, breakfast is OK, there is China Resources opposite, convenient
  • boveye
    Small, all kinds of small.
  • lilianwoo
    It's too old
  • come365
    The location of the hotel is good, but the air conditioning noise is quite loud. There is room for improvement
  • allen_oyl
    Everyone appreciated the fun and good service.
    The surrounding environment is lively, breakfast is good, and the cost performance is OK.
  • e02898787
    not bad
  • onebloom
    On a business trip, it's close to R & F children's clothes. I feel it's OK. convenient
  • andie
    The price is very high, and at half past seven pm, it is also upgraded to luxury suite free of charge. The room has a large bathtub. The facilities are new and complete. The hotel is also in good location, awesome, and the attendant service is very good. Hotel security facilities, access control system is very user-friendly. not bad
  • carrera88
    It's not bad. It's just a little bit of a mess on the side of the road
  • f25131
    It's OK in terms of safety. The computer is a decoration, and the wireless network signal is extremely poor. It can't be used at all. Even if a toilet ventilator is broken, it won't be repaired. After defecation, the whole room is smelly. It's also said that it's a three-star hotel. If you don't admire it, you won't stay in it in the future
  • guoyingying1983
  • glenyoung
    The security is high, but the hotel is a little bit unkind. I had a reservation for my friend and successfully checked in before, but the hotel said it couldn't find the check-in information and refused to return it